İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi | OECD’nin Gençlik Danışma Kurulu’na Katılmak için Başvurular Açılmıştır!

OECD’nin Gençlik Danışma Kurulu’na Katılmak için Başvurular Açılmıştır!

Ekonomik İşbirliği ve Kalkınma Örgütü’nün (OECD) Gençlik Danışma Kurulu’na (Youthwise) katılmak için başvurular açılmıştır. Youthwise için başvurular 10-30 Ocak 2022 tarihleri arasında yapılabilecektir. Detaylar ve başvuru bilgileri aşağıda yer almaktadır.

The OECD’s Youth Advisory Board is made up of exceptional young people aged 18‒30 who bring their perspectives and ideas to the OECD. Youthwise members will focus on how we can build an inclusive and green future for & with young people.

Applicants must be:

  • between 18 and 30 years of age as of 1 January 2022
  • a national of an OECD member country (more detail in the brochure)
  • fluent in English (more detail in the brochure)
  • highly interested in national and international debates on how to build a green and inclusive future
  • able to dedicate up to 8 hours per month to Youthwise-related activities (including preparatory reading, group work, meetings, interventions on panels, etc.)
  • available to participate in the Youthwise programme from March 2022 until December 2022
  • able to access a stable internet connection to receive and reply to e-mails, to participate in online meetings, webinars, etc.
  • neither currently affiliated with the OECD, nor have a relative who is currently affiliated with the OECD.


Application deadline: 30 January 2022 at midnight (Paris time)

For details and application visit: (Announcements page)